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지원서 작성을 위한 로그인 정보 입력



□ In the event of an emergency in which I am rendered unconscious and my nearest responsible relative or guardian cannot be contacted, I hereby agree to such treatment, anaesthetics and operations to be performed upon myself as in the opinion of the attending physician/s is deemed necessary 응급처치 동의


□ I confirm that I understand the payment system of the required tuition fees as outlined and I agree to comply. I also confirm that I am fully aware of my financial obligations, both to the Lord and to the students and staff at the College. I therefore accept all responsibility for my fees, tuition and personal expenses incurred during my involvement with ACC. 학비 정책에 동의


□ I do hereby release ACC, its agents, employees, and volunteer assistants from any liability whatsoever arising out of any injury, damage or loss which may be sustained by me or other persons during my/their course of involvements with ACC. 코스를 하는 동안 일어나는 사고에 학교와 이와 관련된 사람에게 책임을 지우지 않음


□ I give permission to ACC , to use any photographic, imaging or written material in regards to myself in promotional and marketing media 미디어 노출 동의


□ I give permission to ACC to use and to address Christian materials in training process. 정보활용동의


□ I declare that all the information contained herein is true, correct and complete to the best of my knowledge. I have carefully read and taken the time and appropriate advice to understand all the information included and accept the requirements detailed in the ACC Student Handbook, the Instructions for Completing the Application for Enrolment Information for Students and other relevant information and I agree to accept all conditions contained therein and I agree to abide by all of the requirements stated.. 지원서에 기입한 모든 것이 사실임

비밀번호는 6자리 이상이어야 하며 영문과 숫자를 반드시 포함해야 합니다.

* 닉네임 * Last Name * 성명(한글)